WHSC Member Expectations and Policies

What it means to be a member of WHSC

WHSC is an entirely volunteer organization. As such, we are all responsible for committing to and upholding our mission and its values for the LGBTQ community. This takes form in many ways on and off the pitch. Good sportsmanship, collegiality among teammates, active participation in club socials, fundraisers, and volunteer opportunities are necessary and vital components of our success. WHSC expects all its members to be active contributors to our community.

Player Rostering for Competitive WHSC Teams

Los Angeles Municipal League rosters and most tournaments have a competitive roster. At the beginning of each season WHSC will hold tryouts for LA Muni rosters. To be eligible for each season’s roster new and returning players must attend tryouts. Rosters are selected at the discretion of captains and the WHSC Board, with assessment in three primary areas: commitment to WHSC’s mission, playing ability/skill level and ability to commit to the team.

Game/Practice Attendance Policy

Players are expected to make good-faith commitments to attend practices and games. Communication is key. If you are running late or will be missing a game please inform your captains ASAP! Life happens, we get it! Failure to attend may result in action by the WHSC Board or captains to facilitate equity across the club.

Club Dues

Club dues are collected annually ($50 per player for 2024). Dues defray operating costs for WHSC such as: field rental fees, club insurance, league registrations fees, equipment, and scholarships. LA Muni rostered players and tournament players must pay WHSC dues before being allowed to play.*

*Financial assistance is available and will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. To request confidential assistance, please fill out a scholarship form.

WHSC Code of Conduct

  • Play by the rules of soccer, and in the spirit of the game.

  • Show respect at all times for all coaches, captains, referees, players, spectators, and club officials.

  • Understand and safeguard the mission of this organization to create a safe and comfortable playing environment for all LGBTQ soccer players & our allies.

  • Make a genuine and consistent effort to support the club and its activities to be a visible part of the LGBTQ community in Los Angeles via participation in club socials, fundraisers, and community service.

  • Be a player in good standing with the club, meaning yearly dues & all league fees are paid before the first game of each season.

Games and Practices

  • Arrive at the field before practices and games according to the standards set by team captains and coaches.

  • Reasonably notify the team coaches and captains ahead of time if absent from games.


  • The team coach and/or Board will handle infractions that occur at times other than during a game.

  • Certain serious infractions will result in a discipline hearing convened by the Board of Directors and Captains.

  • Players are responsible for reimbursing the Club for any and all fines payable by the Club due to individual actions or inactions. Failure to pay any fines will result in suspension from the Club for a period of time determined by the Board.


If for any reason the Code of Conduct is not followed by the player, any of the following steps may be taken by the coach or the Club:

  • Reduction in playing time.

  • Suspension of player.

  • Removal from the team and club.

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